The Doggie

The Doggie

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Origami Phoenix 3.5 by Satoshi Kamiya, folded by me.

Origami Phoenix 3.5 by Satoshi Kamiya, folded by me.
Most people don't know this, but I'm actually really into origami. This is a phoenix that I folded (no glue and no cutting) a couple months back. I found these pictures and just decided to share it with you guys.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

When you're down...

 These days, I hear from a lot of my friends that they're feeling depressed. I really don't know why fun and loud friends suddenly turn up one day and spend the day not saying a word and staring into space. If a friend is depressed, I often say reassuring words to him/her to make him/her feel better. I know a lot of people aren't seeing my blog as I'm relatively new at blogging, but I just want to say this to people who, like my friends, are feeling depressed.
 Yes, there are hardships during life. Sometimes you might want to just give up everything. Sometimes, nobody might be next to you to assure you that everything is okay. Sometimes, you might fall into a hole with no way out.
 But, remember this. Remember everything that you had accomplished in the past. Think of everything you have done. And think of what you can do in the future. If you give up, wouldn't everything you have done until now be a waste? Wouldn't everything, everything you have done until now be a waste of time, resources, and energy? Think about that the next time you want to give up on yourself

Thursday, October 23, 2014


OK, so I was using a bathroom in a bank a couple of days ago. I saw that the stall didn't have any tissue paper, so I went looking for one. Turns out the bank was selling tissues using a vending machine for 200 won (20 cents) in the bathroom. After I saw that, I was like 

For my first post... CUTE DOGGIES!!!


So... Starting a Blog.

 So... Starting a blog.
 Hi, my name's Jason. Jason Kim and I'm an ordinary kid living in Korea (don't get racist about Koreans, by the way). I'm not gonna tell my age, though.
 Until now, I'v been pretty inactive on the Internet, until I saw all the great possibilities of making my own blog. So here I am.
 In this blog, I'm gonna upload anything that looks interesting and I'm gonna post short posts (try saying that 5 times fast) about my life. I'm not going to upload frequently, and I know a lot of people won't see my blog, but who cares?
 Thanks for reading this far and I hope I'll become a great blogger!